Supporting Excellent Science Teaching for Georgia

2015 Conference Session Proposals

  • 29 May 2014
  • 21 Nov 2014
  • 11:30 PM
  • Submit online


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Science for All: Putting the Pieces Together

It is critical to Georgia’s economic and social well-being that all of our students receive an excellent K-12 science education.  To ensure high quality science learning for all students, Georgia’s teachers must skillfully integrate many pieces--Common Core, GPS, science & engineering practices, STEM, TKES, and crosscutting concepts--of the science education puzzle.  This year’s conference will explore how these pieces build on, overlap with, and support one another in the science classroom.  The conference will highlight sessions within the following strands, though sessions falling outside these strands are welcomed.
  • GPS Within the Framework - Sessions in this strand will focus on instructional approaches that integrate science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts with the content of the Georgia Performance Standards in science.
  • Integrating Science Within the CCGPS - With a special focus on the elementary grades, sessions in this strand will focus on the intersections among science standards and the CCGPS for mathematics and English language arts.  Sessions may also address strategies that address the CCGPS literacy standards within the science classroom.
  • Integrated STEM Education - Sessions in this strand will focus on programs and approaches that truly integrate learning experiences across the STEM disciplines.

Submission Details:

The 2015 annual conference will be held February 5-7, in Macon.  Session proposals will be accepted through November 2, 2014.  Members or nonmembers may submit session proposals.  All presenters must register for the conference, which includes one year of GSTA membership, upon acceptance of the session proposal.  If you are a current GSTA member, then please log into your account before submitting your proposal.

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