Supporting Excellent Science Teaching for Georgia

3D Science Saturday, District 5

  • 03 Nov 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Villa Rica High School


  • 3D Science Saturday

Registration is closed

GSTA 3D Science Saturday

Who - All K-12 science teachers, including preservice teachers, are invited to join your GSTA District Directors to explore three-dimensional science teaching and learning. Bring a partner from your school!

What – Join us for a half-day workshop introducing teachers to the three-dimensional approach to science learning based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education. Engage in  model lessons, explore the dimensions of the Framework, and identify phenomena for your students to explore. Three-dimensional learning is the research-based approach in which students simultaneously engage in science and engineering practices (e.g., engaging in argument from evidence) while learning and applying the GSE and crosscutting concepts (i.e., big ideas like patterns or structure & function). The 3D approach is being promoted by our GaDOE Science Program Manager, aligns to the goals of the Milestones science assessments, and will provide the foundation for Georgia's revised science standards. You will leave the workshop with model lessons, access to a collection of phenomena that connect student explorations to the current content standards, and a better understanding of how to apply the 3D approach in planning your science lessons.  Visit to register for the workshop.

When – November 3, 2018 9 am-1 pm, breakfast provided

Cost: $10 members $20 for nonmembers (covers the cost of food and materials)

Where – Villa Rica High School, 600 Rocky Branch Road, Villa Rica, GA.  This session is being hosted by  Stephanie Miles, District 5 Director


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